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Le lancement d’Insight annulé pour 2016

SPOT 5 makes its final curtain call

After acquiring millions of pictures of Earth, the SPOT 5 satellite was retired from service between 1 and 11 December. Following a series of 6 orbital manoeuvres to lower its perigee (the point on its orbit closest to Earth), the satellite’s fuel tanks were emptied and its batteries disconnected by CNES teams in Toulouse. It is now stationed safely in an elliptical orbit at an altitude between 625 and 809.

Jason-3 to launch 17 January 2016

Le satellite SPOT-5 tire sa révérence

Jason-3 sera lancé le 17 janvier 2016

ZERO-G, en route vers l'impesanteur !


El Niño: satellites see red

FLEX mission to be next ESA Earth Explorer

The Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) mission will map vegetation fluorescence to quantify photosynthetic activity.

The conversion of atmospheric carbon dioxide and sunlight into energy-rich carbohydrates through photosynthesis is one of the most fundamental processes on Earth - and one on which we all depend.

Information from FLEX will improve our understanding of the way carbon moves between plants and the atmosphere and how photosynthesis affects the carbon and water cycles.

FLEX prochaine mission Earth Explorer de l'ESA

Cette mission d’exploration de la fluorescence ( FLEX, Fluorescence Explorer) établira une cartographie de la fluorescence de la végétation afin de quantifier la photosynthèse.

La transformation du dioxyde de carbone de l’atmosphère et de la lumière du soleil, lors de la photosynthèse, en hydrates de carbone riches en énergie est un processus essentiel à la vie sur Terre – et dont nous dépendons tous.

La reconstitution des rebonds de Philae pendant son atterrissage
